
BGinSA is an approved affiliate and officially recognized by the parent body in the USA, Breakthroughs International and is authorized to represent the Brain Gym® Program in South Africa, including issuing Brain Gym® licenses to Instructors, Consultants, and Movement Facilitators who have completed the applicable requirements.


The following Brain Gym® courses are open to all who have a passion for learning.

(BTi code: 104 BG Brain Gym® 26 Movements)


Introduction to the 26 Brain Gym® activities. Experience them in your body and gain a better understanding of each movement. Get to know more about the philosophy behind the Brain Gym® program, and how this knowledge can support your daily life routine. This is the first course of the Learning Track to becoming a Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator or Consultant/Instructor.


2 days class (16 hours)
= 16 hours in total.

(South Africa only)


This course explains why we do Brain Gym® and how the 26 Brain Gym® movements help to integrate the whole body for whole-brain learning.


1 day class (8 hours)
BG 104 (Brain Gym® 26 Movements) is now the official introductory course to the 26 Brain Gym® Movements. If NIM was completed as a 2-day course before 01 August 2022, it counts for 16 hours in place of BG104.

(South Africa only)


This course is open to all people who want to do Brain Gym® with babies and / or with people who are unable to do the exercises independently such as the physically disabled.


1 day class (8 hours)

(BTi code: 101 BML Movement Based Learning: the Building Block Activities)


This course assists with Special Needs children and adults, including people with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Seizures, CP, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or who are recovering from a stroke, etc. It takes an in-depth look at several basic patterns of neurological- and motor development and how to re-train your mind-body system these neurological patterns. BBA can promote joy and ease in achieving basic skills such as walking, talking or simply staying on task.


1 day class (8 hours)

(South Africa only)


Learn to use your exercise routine (for young and old) to work your muscles (brawn) and switch your brain on for your goals at the same time.


2 days (16 hours)

(BTi code: 205 DF Dominance Factor)


Gain understanding in how our Basal (Stress) profile creates our weaknesses and preferences and how it affects in our interpersonal relationships.


2 days (16 hours)

(BTi code: 105 DD Double Doodle Play: A Window to Whole-Brain Vision)


A window to whole-brain vision. Using various art media, explore how to use the Double Doodle and other activities from Brain Gym® and Vision Gym® to enhance visual perception and artistic expression. Participants experience the relationship between visual skills, hand-eye coordination, and creativity, and are also shown some simple ways to use the Double Doodle processes with learners of any age.


1 day (8 hours)

(BTi code: 106 HP Hands On - How to use Brain Gym® in the Classroom & Beyond)


Use Brain Gym® in a fun way in the classroom. Experience playful techniques to build academic sub-skills (e.g. handwriting, reading) Gain insights into using Brain Gym® and Vision Gym® movements in the classroom, therapy, sporting arena, home, and more.


2 days (16 hours)

(BTi code: 325 HEA Happy Ever After - From Victim to Master)


Open to all with the desire to switch from surviving to thriving. In this course participants will learn to: Build self-esteem in self and others; deal with difficult and/negative people; take charge of emotions; negotiate win-win solutions; deal with life’s challenges, and more.


3 days (24 hours)

(BTi code:)


Requires a need to overcome fear. Powerful activities to help breaking through fear and open up to new opportunities.


1 day (8 hours)

(BTi code: 220 VC Visioncircles)


(Advisable to have done BG101 and BG104) A road map to the completion of developmental skills through movement, play, and art. Emphasis on vision enhancement.


4 days (32 hours)

(BTi code:)


Change your levels of wealth on all levels.


1 day class (8 hours)

Learning Track 1
Entry level
Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator

Pre-requisites for courses are listed below each course.

Learning Track 1 - Entry level:
Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator

Track 1 = 136 hrs = 80 hrs (class) + 56 hrs (homework, assignments and practical work)

(BTi code: 104 BG Brain Gym® 26 Movements)


In this course you learn the 26 Brain Gym® activities, experience them in your body and gain a better understanding of each movement. Get to know more about the philosophy behind the Brain Gym® program, and how this knowledge can support your daily life routine. This is the first course of the Learning Track to becoming a Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator or Consultant/Instructor.


A passion for learning.
= 16 hours in total

(BTi code: 101 BG Brain Gym®)


Experience whole-brain integration through whole-body movement. Discover an exciting tool for reaching personal goals by using the 26 Brain Gym activities, Edu-K's Five Steps to Easy Learning, and Dennison Laterality Repatterning. What this course conveys can be applied by students, teachers, parents, artists, athletes, healthcare workers, business professionals and many more.


Successful completion of BG104 and 26 case studies are required
26 case studies (26 hours)
4 days class (32 hours)
+ 6 balances (12 hours home study)
+ questions and answers (2 hours home study)
= 72 hours in total

(BTi code: 110 BG Brain Gym® 26 Movements Facilitator Training)


This course prepares one to become a Licenced Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator who is authorized to teach Brain Gym® 104 and create customized workshops up to 6 hours. Participants practise teaching concepts, as well as giving and receiving feedback. The course covers administrative details for Movement Facilitators.


Successful completion of BG101 and it's required assignments
2 days class (16 hours)
= 16 hours class time
Option to also co-train should instructor or BGMF feel the need. Successful completion of BG104, 26 Case Studies and BG101 and its requirements.

Learning Track 2
Professional level
Consultant and / or

Pre-requisites for courses are listed below each course.

Learning Track 2 - Professional level:

Brain Gym® Consultant and/or Instructor

Track 2 = 318 hours
Level 1: 88 hours = 48 hours (class) + 40 hrs (homework, assignments and practical work)
Level 2: 120 hours = 88 hours (class) + 32 hrs (homework, assignments and practical work)
Level 3: 110 hours = 64 hours (class) + 46 hours (homework, and practical work)


88 hours = 48 hours (class) + 40 hours (homework, assignments and practical work)

(BTi code: 104 BG Brain Gym® 26 Movements)


In this course you learn the 26 Brain Gym® activities, experience them in your body and gain a better understanding of each movement. Get to know more about the philosophy behind the Brain Gym® program, and how this knowledge can support your daily life routine. This is the first course of the Learning Track to becoming a Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator or Consultant/Instructor.


A passion for learning.


2 days class (16 hours)
= 16 hours in total

(BTi code: 101 BG Brain Gym®)


Experience whole-brain integration through whole-body movement. Discover an exciting tool for reaching personal goals by using the 26 Brain Gym activities, Edu-K’s Five Steps to Easy Learning, and Dennison Laterality Repatterning. What this course conveys can be applied by students, teachers, parents, artists, athletes, healthcare workers, business professionals and many more.


Successful completion of BG104 and 26 case studies are required


26 case studies (26 hours)
4 days class (32 hours)
+ 6 balances (12 hours home study)
+ questions and answers (2 hours home study)
= 72 hours in total


120 hours = 88 hours (class) + 32 hours (homework, assignments and practical work)

(BTi code: 201 OBO Optimal Brain Organisation)


Discover more about hemispheric specialization, identification and balancing to facilitate whole-brain learning.


Successful completion of all Level-1 courses and assignments.


3 days class (24 hours)
+ 6 balances (12 hours home study)
= 36 hours in total


Any courses listed under "Additional Courses" may be used to fill these 3 days or any course listed on the website. Any extra days attended will count towards extra practical hours.


Minimum of 3 days class (24 hours)
Neuro-Integration Movements & Visioncircles® are strongly suggested.

(BTi code: 301 EID EduK In Depth: Seven Dimensions of Intelligence)


Experience the seven dimensions of body movement, focussing on how each can support or block the learning process. Learn how to integrate the principles of whole-brain learning into your own process.


Successful completion of all Level-1 courses and assignments.


5 days class (40hours)
+ 8 balances (16 hours home study)
+ questions and answers (4 hours home study)
= 60 hours in total


110 hours = 64 hours (class) + 46 hours (homework, assignments and practical work)

(Previous code in South Africa: Practitioner I)


This course prepares one to build and market a practice. It includes amongst other ethics, administrative details, marketing as a Consultant and a consolidation of Edu-K balances and Brain Gym® techniques.


Successful completion of all Level-2 courses and assignments.
+15 balances additional to what have already been done as course homework (30 hours)


3 days class (24 hours)
+ 8 balances (16 hours home study)
+ 30 hours (15 balances done as pre-requisite)
= 54 hours in total

(Previous code in South Africa: Practitioner II)


This is a practical day that includes giving a talk and doing an In-Depth balance.


Successful completion of all Level-2 courses and assignments, as well as Consultant Module 1.


1 day class (8 hours)
= 8 hours in total

(Previous code in South Africa: Practitioner II)
(BTi code of similar course: 401 P Brain Gym® Teacher Practicum)


This course prepares one to become a Licenced Brain Gym® Consultant and Instructor. Participants practise teaching concepts, as well as giving and receiving feedback. The course covers administrative details & marketing for Brain Gym® Consultant and Instructors. Provides instruction in theory, teaching methods, and procedures, and development of an action plan for achieving professional goals.


Successful completion of all level 2 courses and assignments, as well as Consultant Module 1.


4 days class (32 hours)
= 32 hours in total

(South Africa - Optional, not compulsory)


If you want to qualify as a Brain Gym® Instructor, you are to enter a mentorship program with an experienced Instructor. This mentor will be assigned by faculty after consultation between the Instructor-to-be, the experienced Instructor and faculty.


Successful completion of Teacher Practicum (TPM)


Co-train at least one BG104 course with an instructor (16 hours) The mentor might suggest additional work needed to support you best in preparation to qualify as a Brain Gym® Instructor.
= minimum of 16 hours
At completion of the Brain Gym® Instructor Mentorship, an instructor will be able to teach BG101 to students.
In order to train BG104 - Brain Gym® 26 Movements the instructor will also have to complete BG110 - Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator.

Additional Elective Courses

Pre-requisites for courses are listed below each course.


(South Africa)


This course is open to all people who want to do Brain Gym® with babies and / or with people who are unable to do the exercises independently such as the physically disabled.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


1 day (8 hours)

(BTi code: 101 BML Movement Based Learning: the Building Block Activities)


This course assists with Special Needs children and adults, including people with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Seizures, CP, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or who are recovering from a stroke, etc. It takes an in-depth look at several basic patterns of neurological- and motor development and how to re-train your mind-body system these neurological patterns. BBA can promote joy and ease in achieving basic skills such as walking, talking or simply staying on task.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


1 day (8 hours)

(South Africa only)


Learn to use your exercise routine (for young and old) to work your muscles (brawn) and switch your brain on for your goals at the same time.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


2 days (16 hours)

(South Africa only)




Successful completion of BG101 and assignments.


2 days (16 hours)

(BTi code: 205 DF Dominance Factor)


Gain understanding in how our Basal (Stress) profile creates our weaknesses and preferences and how it affects our interpersonal relationships.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


2 days (16 hours)

(BTi code: 205 DF Dominance Factor)


A window to whole-brain vision. Using various art media, explore how to use the Double Doodle and other activities from Brain Gym® and Vision Gym® to enhance visual perception and artistic expression. Participants experience the relationship between visual skills, hand-eye coordination, and creativity, and are also shown some simple ways to use the Double Doodle processes with learners of any age.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


1 day (8 hours)

(BTi code: 371 IECR Integration of Early Childhood Reflexes and Reactions)


Reflexes and how integration of reflexes influences experiences.


Successful completion of BG101 and assignments.


2 days class (16 hours)

(BTi code: 106 HP Hands On - How to use Brain Gym® in the Classroom & Beyond)


Use Brain Gym® in a fun way in the classroom. Experience playful techniques to build academic sub-skills (e.g. handwriting, reading) Gain insights into using Brain Gym® and Vision Gym® movements in the classroom, therapy, athletics, home, and more.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


2 days class (16 hours)

(Brain Gym in South Africa only)


Integration of whole-brain learning through play.


Successful completion of BG101 and assignments.


2 days class (16 hours)

(Brain Gym in South Africa only)


Understand your family constellation, birth order and personality, discover your love language and the possible associated languages of apology. A course where you can discover your authentic self.


A desire to learn about your authentic self. BG101 would be advantageous but not a requirement


2 days class (16 hours)

(Brain Gym in South Africa only)


This course explains why we do Brain Gym® and how the 26 Brain Gym® movements help to integrate the whole body for whole-brain learning.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


1 days class (8 hours)
BG 104 (Brain Gym® 26 Movements) is now the official introduction to the 26 Brain Gym® Movements. If NIM was completed as a 2-day course before 01 August 2022, it counts for 16 hours in place of BG104.

(BTi code: 325 HEA Happy Ever After - From Victim to Master)


Open to all with the desire to switch from surviving to thriving. In this course participants will learn to: Build self-esteem in self and others; deal with difficult and/negative people; take charge of emotions; negotiate win-win solutions; deal with life’s challenges, and more.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


3 days (24 hours).

(Brain Gym in South Africa only)


Requires a need to overcome fear. Powerful activities to help breaking through fear and open up to new opportunities.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


1 day (8 hours).

(BTi code: 220 VC Visioncircles)


(Advisable to have done NIM and BG101) A road map to the completion of developmental skills through movement, play, and art. Emphasis on vision enhancement.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


4 days (32 hours)

(Brain Gym in South Africa only)


Change your dreams into reality.


Successful completion of From Victim to Master or Wealth Mindset.


2 days class (16 hours)

(Brain Gym in South Africa only)


Change your levels of wealth on all levels.


Matric Certificate or older than 23 years.


1 day class (8 hours)

(Brain Gym in South Africa and/or Breakthroughs International)


Open to everybody


1 day (8 hours)